青岛国际啤酒节始创于 1991年,每年在青岛的黄金旅游季节8月的第二个周末开幕,为期16天。 节日由国家有关部委和青岛市人民政府共同主办,是融旅游、文化、体育、经贸于一体的国家级大型节庆活动。 啤酒节的主题口号是“青岛与世界干杯!”。

经过十六届的举办,青岛国际啤酒节已逐渐成为青岛这座美丽海滨 城市的一张亮丽的城市名片,在国内外具有了相当的知名度和影响力...

Qingdao International Beer Festival was initiated in 1991, and opens in the second weekend of August each year for 16 days, which is the golden tourism season in Qingdao. It is hold by the national relevant ministries and commissions and the People's Government of Qingdao Municipality. It is the large national festival combined with tourism, culture, sports, economy and trade. The theme slogan of the Beer Festival is Qingdao Toasts with the World!

After 16 Beer Festivals, Qingdao International Beer Festival has gradually become a bright city name card of Qingdao-the beautiful seaside city, and has well-known reputation and influence in China and the world ...


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